"Some things are more precious because they don't last long" - Oscar Wilde

This I Believe: To Believe

I believe in observation; I believe in curiosity

Belief is a strange word, as it can inspire others to innovate in beautiful ways, but it can also be a root of evil. The side I choose is the one that cares for where humanity is heading towards, the one that can see the world decaying from a new lens, and the one who loves all his brothers and sisters on Earth.

I believe to believe
Belief that is everlasting and strong enough to be a foundation for other values. Belief in the concept of nothing being impossible. Belief that we can change the world and better it for future generations.
Our minds are locked chests, awaiting to be opened to discover our true potential. We each have a purpose for being on Earth, and to find that purpose we must delve into the depths of our minds. The knowledge that is contained within me and others is beyond compare. The millions of neurons that race our brains-day by day- desire to be awoken from their usual boring cycle.

I believe in belief that does not require complete justification, but requires a presence of an open imagination. Not the belief which is dependent on the majority to follow before becoming a blind follower myself. Not the belief in which someone is continuously doubtful of, because they are influenced by others. Not the belief which has limits or boundaries to the craziness it may hold. But, rather the belief which is so pure that it can connect to the mind, body, and soul.

As a child, I grew up in a loving family, but the harshness that I endured in middle school still haunts me. Walking into my Grade 6 classroom, I was bullied, abused, molded into something I was not. Being told that I wasn’t good enough and how I was a teacher’s pet for asking questions. To fit in with the rest of my friends, I covered my true self with a veil of “the normal kid” at school. Even normality did not ever make me one of the “popular” ones. My peers bragged about not studying for the exams so I followed and didn’t prepare as much as I normally did. The end of the school year raced towards me and there I sat, writing my exam. But, the words seemed to me like some foreign language. Weeks later, my report card arrived in my hands, I trembled, and I took a peak. The marks hit me like a bullet set off by a madman. Since then, philosophy has ran through my blood, because I fear that if I do not ask questions, my marks will plummet once again. Today, I do not allow others to influence me.

Ideas that are not comparable to conventional thinkers, those who are adamant about any change, will be rejected and considered worthless. I have been a victim of this, but I still pursue my goals and desires because these ideas are what have allowed humans to evolve. Evolution was made possible by thinkers who stepped out of the world of reality to see how we can expand. These thinkers were mocked at because of their ideas that an average human brain could not comprehend. Those who mocked, those who rejected, and those who shook the foundation of these philosophical thinkers had themselves been afraid. Fear to believe, or fear to be excluded from the rest of society?

Uniqueness is not a characteristic that should be despised. To think outside of the barrier that society places into our minds is not something to be ashamed or to be afraid about. Others will follow those who have a solid belief in their ideas, no matter how absurd they may seem. I believe in us stepping out of this dome built with cracks and crevices. I am considered strange and crazy for crawling through these cracks, to see the light on the other side, but what fills me with joy is seeing others do the same. My curiosity is what I stand for, I and am proud that it is a part of who I am.

I believe in throwing out the stigma that surrounds observation and questioning because philosophy is more than just a belief. It means to analyze every breath, every motion, every blink, and every second. Seconds that I see containing infinite possibilities, if one is to believe. Belief is a mere title, but its why I am sitting here, able to write this today.

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This was inspired by: Vanessa

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Heart: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/526006431455562387/

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