What do you think about your blog?

This year I liked my blog better than last year. There was something about the whole aesthetic look of it that I like because its a huge shift from the darker and more “logical” approach. It is much more organized since now I have a stronger idea of what is expected. The one thing I kept consistent is how my quote is still by Oscar Wilde; there’s something about his works and writing that seems interesting to explore. However, I feel that this whole ‘hidden shades of passion’ phase will blow over soon so that I’ll be able to create something different and add that new phase to who I am.


Which student blogs impress you the most?

There are a variety of blogs that have impressed me this year and that I have taken inspiration from for some of my own pieces. For instance, David’s blog has given me a lot of inspiration to work from and has helped me adopt different styles of writing that I had never been exposed too. Not to mention, his ability to write is exceptional, and he has grown over this past semester. Another phenomenal writer I know is Liza, who has this structured way of talking about the most chaotic ideas. It was great having her in the AP class to learn and emulate from because her passion for writing isn’t something that can be seen in everyone. Lastly, Oba is such a talented writer, and I personally am a fan of all his scripts because it feels so authentic and natural. I wish I had another creative writing class with him before he leaves, but since that won’t happen, I’ll just be happy knowing that others will see his amazing character.

What professional bloggers have you explored?

  1. https://www.rsc.org.uk/ – the Royal Shakespeare Company gives great plot summaries for Shakespearean plays and mix the worlds of theater and literature, which is something that the writer himself did during his time.
  2. www.dailyactor.com – this blog is great for general tricks on acting that helped me during this last semester
  • Other than these two, I haven’t had much time to explore many professional bloggers, which is something that I hope to work on more for next year.


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